Anyways, it made it through the post office and safely to its destination. Well, technically that isn't exactly true; it had a little scratch and a little tear in it, but for the most part it arrived in good condition.
This means that I can now start working my way through this list. Actually I've already started, so we'll see how long it'll take me to get a batch of them sent out. Be warned that I'm currently employed, trying to study for the GRE, about to move, and somewhat lazy. However, I'll try to be as quick as I can.
For all you fashionably late people, I should mention that I'm still taking requests and will be doing so until I explicitly state otherwise. So if you still want a postcard, you can definitely still get one.
Anyways, sorry for the lackluster posting this month. To make it up to you here are some postcards I made as Christmas gifts for my aunt Rosemary.

Three cheers for Rosemary and for your cards!
You're welcome!
PS: I L O V E my christmas gift!!!