Yep, I'm still sending out job applications. The one featured here is for the position of a Clerk/Cashier (a position I like to call "Clashier"). This time I'll even give you a taste of the cover letter I sent with it.

“Because this position is for a Bookstore, I should mention that I am, in fact, literate. Now I know what you are thinking, ‘How can we be sure you are literate and not merely paying a relative to read this job posting to you and take your dictation for the application?’ A good question. But would a relative of mine be able to correctly spell 'Cincinnati'? I think not.”
Since this position is also for an Art Cellar, I should mention that I can, in fact, art. The envelope this letter came in will depict that I am familiar with both art materials and processes. Now I know what you are thinking, ‘How can we be sure you didn't just hire a relative to create that envelope art for you?’ Another good question. But would a relative of mine have had the forethought to hide the word 'Cincinnati' in the lower left-hand corner? I think not.”

The mere fact that I have enough free time to make things like this is proof that I need a job.
You really need to let me know if you hear back from them!
ReplyDeleteOh God! What a great letter!
ReplyDeleteFools, they are! If they don't hire you!
In case anyone was wondering, I never did hear from that job.